To turn back time…

If I could turn back time I would go to the big wig of science…Albert Einstein.  He was an extraordinary physicist and mathematician.  I would go and visit him in switzerland in 1904 where he was just he year before publishing his work on the Theory of Special Relativity just to test one of his later hypotheses about time travel.  He created the grandfather paradox and it incorporated 2 ideas:

1) You cannot kill your grandfather prior to him giving birth to your dad/mom because then you could not be born to kill him to prevent your birth—he assumed that something would prevent you from killing your grandfather…something kind of nice to test!

2) The second, more relevant, assumption was that information could just pop up in time.   I could take his published work to him for him to publish for me to someday read and take to him to publish…talking about a paradox

 Enough of that; Einstein was simply one of the greatest minds of all of theoretical physics.  His major contribution was that light was mass and light are both components of energy and that light has mass.  His work was greatly profound and thoughtprovoking.  He solved ideas that no one had imagined could be solved. Einstein

The one thing that I could tell him, with my limited knowledge, would be for him to stop telling God what to do with his dice.  For those who are ignorant to this quote I will inform you that Einstein was greatly opposed to theoretical physics at the atomic level because it was said to be random and Einstein said that nothing is random because “God does not play dice with the universe”.  Someone later on said the before mentioned quote.  If he would not have spent much of his life fighting the idea of randomness then he could have solved “the theory of everything” that he was working on until his death.  Could you imagine how far we would be if he had done this???? Well no matter, we have hawking working on that conundrum. 

That is all that I have to say at this moment;  if I feel the need to add anything else, I will do so later. 


  1. Dr. Smurf Said:

    If one did go back in time to kill their grandfather… would you know ? There is no possible way to know if this has not happened. Even if the person who went back in time to do this informed another, the future would change and the informed person would never be aware there ever was thus person.

  2. I am sorry Dr. Smurf, you are a friend but your attempt was futile at best. It is a paradox thus you cannot give a rational answer that would suit all people. Maybe you did not quite understand the way I phrased it; let me take time to rephrase it here-

    If you were to go back in time to kill your grandfather (before he bore your mother or father) then how could you be born in order to kill him to prevent your death?

    The rest of your comment was kind of blurry but the point is you cannot kill your grandfather so telling someone else would be irrelevant.

  3. mmcknight23 Said:

    sorry i just wanted to see if my picture works:)

  4. maggienelson Said:

    Wow, Michael. I commend you on a job well done! My article has the same ring to it (though not quite as brutal). I especially enjoyed the smoking outside of school comparison, you make your point a force to be reckoned with! Looking forward to your future posts,

  5. Haley Said:

    Wow that was pretty harsh, but you stated your point. Well done. You made good comparisons betweeen the safety or smoking and HIVs.

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